Our Joint Honours course in English Literature and American Studies allows you to combine the study of literary texts across a broad geographical and chronological range with a specific focus on the literature, culture, history, and politics of North America.Through inspired teaching and intellectual debate, we will nurture your passion by developing your creative and critical thinking. You will learn how to communicate effectively and solve complex problems as you develop an awareness of how past cultures, societies and texts shape our present and future. For a full list of the modules on your course, please access the course pages at www.northumbria.ac.uk Your tutors will use a variety of teaching methods, which may include lectures, seminars, problem-based workshops, case discussions, practical activities, group work and tutorials. Teaching is backed up by a well-designed support system that will underpin your learning journey. You will have access to a Guidance Tutor with whom you can discuss any academic issues. Extensive feedback from both tutors and peers is built into the course.Modules
Assessment method
For a full list of the modules on your course, please access the course pages at www.northumbria.ac.uk
A local representative of Northumbria University in Singapore is available online to assist you with enquiries about this course.