How do I apply to US universities? What is CommonApp?


CommonApp is an online application portal containing information on more than 750 universities and colleges. The platform aims to streamline part of the college admissions process and allows domestic and international students apply to multiple universities all at once.

Very often, this is the only way for direct applicants to apply to universities from the United States. Applications via CommonApp also requires an SAT score, a well-written personal essay, and the decision may only come after 4-6 months! Also, the application deadlines are not dates that are suitable for the typical Singaporean student.

Why apply through theRightU?

  • No SAT needed
  • Fewer essay writing requirements
  • Less supporting documents required
  • Quicker application turnaround time of 1-2 weeks 

Via TheRightU, you will be able to gain admission into US Top-100 universities, with a streamlined and simple process. Examples include:

Oregon State University
University of South Florida
Washington State University

Chat online with your education planner to find out more now. 

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