In your first year of your science studies, you’ll complete four core units—an introduction to the principles of science. You will learn by enquiry—experimental science units will give you the grounding in the fundamental methods of science practice, analysis, research and scientific presentation, as well as hands-on experience. These are skills that will translate well into your teaching career. In your biological sciences major, you will explore the science of living things through cell biology and evolution, animal biology, biological processes and ecology. You’ll continue your studies into plant biology, microbiology, population genetics and molecular biology. The integrative biology project provides the valuable opportunity to showcase the skills and knowledge you have acquired throughout your degree. As you progress to the Master of Teaching component, you’ll find the course is designed to ensure you can step into your teaching career with confidence. In curriculum units you’ll learn how to teach subjects in the Australian curriculum. Our expert lecturers will encourage you to be creative as you experiment with different teaching approaches to engage, excite and extend your learners. You’ll learn how to identify the best technologies to incorporate in your teaching. Everything you do will be based on a deep understanding of child and adolescent development.
Real-world facilities
You will be based at the Gardens Point campus for your science studies, where you will experience state-of-the-art laboratories, advanced scientific instruments, and high-performance computing and visualisation facilities, all mirroring real-world environments. During the Master of Teaching you’ll experience the Education Precinct at the heart of Kelvin Grove campus. These contemporary learning spaces facilitate experimentation and innovation, preparing you to become an inspiring, confident and future-focussed teacher when you step into professional experiences in schools. The spaces strike the right balance of collaborative learning, interaction and quiet individual research. A centrepiece of the Precinct is the Sphere, a digital LED globe suspended over two floors with a changing menu of interactive visual content.